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Dragon Mountain Pavilion
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设计者: Aurelien Chen
Dragon Mountain Pavilion说明:

Dragon Mountain Pavilion




An installation by Aurelien Chen recreating an ethereal and abstract version of a traditional Chinese landscape.

Aurelien Chen设计的抽象再现中国传统景观表达的建筑装置

Above all else, this installation is a landmark placed by the roadside to draw the attention to the entrance of the Dragon Mountain Natural site (Zhulong Shan), a typical example of  « Shanshui » traditional Chinese landscape composed by mountains, forest, clouds and water.


There are three different sequences of approach and just as many levels of perception in this installation.


While approaching the site from the street, a vibrant mountain composed by 200 inox poles subtly appears in the distance.


With speed, the poles become a single surface and the effects created by the different materials composing the poles reveal the shape of a new mountain.


While the visitor moves closer, he discovers a miniature landscape in which he can move and stroll. The poles become a forest; a black marble river invites the visitor to walk towards the real mountain standing out against the horizon. The canopies placed above the visitor’s head to represent clouds, turn out to be mirrors. In this peaceful setting, urban life goes on reflecting itself on the mirror canopies and on the surface of the poles.

当游客们到达装置近前时,会发现这是一个可以进入的微缩景观,在其中可以自由的穿过和漫步其中。点柱变成了一片森林;一条黑色大理石的河流引导人们朝向远处地平线上矗立着的真正的山脉; 人们头顶上浮云的镜面材料顶棚组合浮云一般,与点柱的自身部分镜面材质,一同将周围城市、所在环境中的氛围和活动映射在了这一方平和的空间之中。

The perforations on the mirror panels create an interplay of light and shadow marking the passing of time.


At night, thousands of stars appear on the poles, perforated randomly, and give shape to a mountain vibrant with light.




-          Architect and project lead: Aurelien Chen

-          建筑师及项目总负责人 : Aurelien Chen

-          Overall planning: Urban and rural planning and design institute of CSCEC

-          总体规划:中国中建设计集团城乡与风景园林规划设计研究院

-          Design support: Zhijian Workshop, Zhou Zhipeng (parametric design)

-          设计协作 : Zhijian Workshop, 周志鹏 (参数化设计)

-          Client: Rizhao FaDa JiTuan

-          业主 : 日照发达集团

-          Photographs: © Aurelien Chen

-          建筑摄影 : © Aurelien Chen

-          Video link :

-          Video: Frederic Henriques

建筑摄像 : Frederic Henriques

-          Completion date: 2019

完成时间 : 2019

-          built area : 350 m²

-          Location: Rizhao Zhulong Shan, Shandong, China

-          所在地 : 日照驻龙山

The mountain in the background appears behind the installation and merges with the pole structure. Inox clouds appear to be floating over the mountain.  ©Aurelien Chen

The mountain in the background appears behind the installation and merges with the pole structure. Inox clouds appear to be floating over the mountain. ©Aurelien Chen

At night, thousands of stars appear on the poles, perforated randomly, and give shape to a mountain vibrant with light  ©Aurelien Chen

At night, thousands of stars appear on the poles, perforated randomly, and give shape to a mountain vibrant with light ©Aurelien Chen

At night, thousands of stars appear on the poles, perforated randomly, and give shape to a mountain vibrant with light  ©Aurelien Chen

At night, thousands of stars appear on the poles, perforated randomly, and give shape to a mountain vibrant with light ©Aurelien Chen

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