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House in Takao
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设计者: Keiichi Kiriyama / A
House in Takao说明:

House in Takao

A house designed for Takao, a district of Hachiōji city in Tokyo prefecture. Although its flagpole-shaped plot is surrounded by other buildings, the mountains of Takao can be glimpsed through gaps to the north and south. In this case, we wanted to incorporate nature into the design of the building, including the character of the surrounding landscape.

We situated a living-dining kitchen area in the center of an atrium space with a height of five meters. The atrium is connected to an inner terrace, with a five-meter tall sliding door positioned at the boundary with the outside, beyond which we have placed a glass-roofed terrace.

This configuration allows the light and greenery of the trees to filter indoors, enabling the sensation of being out of doors even when inside. In addition, opening the five-meter sliding door creates a sense of openness, as though the interior of the room were suddenly outside when a breeze flows through the house – as if the walls have disappeared.

The four voluminous enclosures clad with wooden boards house private rooms and water facilities. Each of these rooms connects to the space of the central atrium, allowing family members to keep tabs on one another. The enclosures are also each linked with bridges, so that each room will be accessed through the living room. The creation of multiple levels offers the enjoyment of moving along loft-like walkways.

The house is designed with the idea of enabling a sense of nature in everyday life, and so that no matter where they are, family members will be able to appreciate the rich experience of life together.

Project name: House in Takao

Architect: Keiichi Kiriyama / Airhouse

Structure Engineer: OHNO JAPAN

Project Outline

Location: Takao Hachiouji Tokyo

Date of Completion: December 2019

Principal Use: House

Structure: Wood

Site area : 251.84

Total Floor Area : 196.95

Credit Information

Photography: Toshiyuki Yano

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